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Lesson 27 String handling II

Curriculum > KS4 > Unit > Lesson

In this lesson, learners will be introduced to three new techniques that can be used with string handling. The first two focus on substrings. Learners will be shown how to slice a string and hold it in a variable. Next, learners will find out how to check for a substring within a string. Finally, learners will be introduced to ASCII conversion techniques and presented with a challenge to create a message decoder. This lesson covers a number of programming challenges and learners might not complete them all in the time given. Time has been given for learners to spend longer on these challenges in the next lesson if required.

Learning objectives

  • Use a substring in a program
  • Use the in operator to check for a substring
  • Use chr() and ord() to perform ASCII conversions

Package contents

  • Lesson plans
  • Learning graphs
  • Unit overviews
  • Activities
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