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A message for our CPD participants

At the National Centre for Computing Education, we know that computing matters. It can help us develop a new generation of digitally-literate citizens able to actively participate in society. And it builds skills which will help pupils move forward into the roles which we will need for success in our future economy.

We know the crucial role which teachers play in achieving these goals. And all of us here at the NCCE – as the home of computing education – stand ready to help you improve how you teach computing, as we navigate these challenging times alongside you.

New national restrictions relating to COVID-19 came into force across England from Thursday 5 November. Although these mean that we cannot offer face-to-face support until further notice, we have plenty of other ways of supporting you, including a wide range of remote and online courses. We encourage you to book soon to secure your place. Don’t miss out!  Please visit our course programme at

If you have already booked on a face-to-face course planned for the period of the national restrictions, we will be in touch as soon as possible by phone or email, to discuss alternatives with you. Please contact us with any immediate queries at

Stay safe and we hope to see you online soon.